
Business Conduct Information

We at Continental Recycling place the highest value on integrity in all its business dealings. Continental Recycling expects the same commitment from its agent’s representatives, consultants, business partners, suppliers as well as any other party with whom it conducts business. It expects all such parties to conduct all business activities with Continental Recycling in an honest and ethical manner and to avoid all actual or apparent conflicts of interest.

It is the policy of Continental Recycling to comply with the laws of all countries in which it transacts or conducts business, including but not limited to all anti-corruption (both public, private or commercial), anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws and regulations.

Continental Recycling will not countenance any illegal or unethical conduct on the part of its employees or any third party with whom it conduct business. Continental Recycling expects everyone with whom it deals to abide by these Standards of Business Conduct. Third parties & Continental Recycling employees are required to report to Continental Recycling all suspected illegal, unethical, or improper conduct of which they become aware during the performance of Continental Recycling business.

No one associated with or conducting business for or with Continental Recycling a third party capacity (as an agent, representative, consultant, business partner, supplier or other type of third party), may, directly or indirectly: Make, offer, promise or authorize the payment of anything of value (including any payment for facilitating or expediting any vernmental function or securing routine vernment services or gifts, meals, entertainment or other favors) to an employee of any vernment, vernment-owned or controlled company, political party or international organization, or to a political party itself, in order to obtain or retain business, to obtain any improper advantage or benefit, or to facilitate or expedite any action on his or her part or by another vernment employee;

An agent, representative, intermediary or employee of another company without that company’s knowledge and consent, with the intent to influence the recipient’s action with respect to his or her company’s affairs or business or to gain any improper advantage or benefit to the detriment of his or her company.


Everyone associated or conducting business with Continental Recycling in a third party capacity is required to report promptly to Continental Recycling any actual or suspected violation of Continental Recycling Standards of Business Conduct.


Everyone associated with or conducting business for or with Continental Recycling in a third party capacity understands that he/she/it will be held accountable for adhering to the highest standards of personal and professional integrity and for complying fully with this Standard of Business Conduct, and that any failure to observe these Standards may result in prompt action, including termination of employment or any agreement entered into with Continental Recycling as provided in such party’s agreement or contract with Continental Recycling.